Notice of expression of interest for Nepal Project -CLOSED
【05.25 2023】
AMDA-MINDS Nepal Office invites interested Nepali NGOs /CBOs currently operational and registered in Gorkha district to submit Expression of Interest (EOI).
Annual Report 2021 has been released
【09.14 2022】
2021 Annual Report (English version) has been released on our web site.
Emergency Relief: Hurricanes Eta/Iota, Honduras
【02.02 2021】
In response to hurricanes Eta and Iota which wreaked havoc across Honduras, AMDA Group (AMDA, AMDA-MINDS and AMDA Honduras) have implemented a joint relief effort in 2020.
AMDA Emergency Response – West Japan Torrential Rain
【07.17 2018】
AMDA has carried out the relief activities in Soja City and Mabicho, Okayama Prefecture, that were heavily affected by the torrential downpours that struck west Japan in July 2018.